Program/Project Management: 

Program and project managers act as the central point of communication between the project team, management, the customer and any other participants of the project. Our professionals possess both soft skills and hard skills needed to provide well rounded approach to management. Soft skills include good leadership, management, communication and problem-solving skills. Additionally, our managers are qualified in the hard skills with the ability to perform the technical aspects of a project. Hard skills include knowledge and skills in information technology, mathematical and scientific tasks. zCore managers analyze and calculate project variances providing metrics to program stakeholders.

Life Cycle Planning: 

zCore recognizes that an important part of program and project management deals with life cycle planning. When formulating a project’s cost allocations, a program manager makes decisions based upon projections from known life cycle statistics of the steps to be taken. An example of projection would be the resource allocation needed for each development step and the costs associated with them.

Enterprise Architecture: 

zCore recognizes the importance of a well thought out enterprise architecture. It is the conceptual blueprint defining the structure and operation of an organization. zCore, through facilitation of customer meetings, gathering system requirements, assist customers to determine the most effective use of an enterprise architecture and determine how an organization can most effectively achieve its current and future objectives. Some of the advantages of having an enterprise architecture include improved decision making, improved adaptability to changing demands or market conditions, elimination of inefficient and redundant processes, optimization of the use of organizational assets, and minimization of employee turnover.

Data Analytics: 

zCore utilizes data analytics to examine raw data with the purpose of drawing conclusions about that information. We utilize analytics as a tool to assist our customers in making better business decisions and in the sciences to verify or disprove existing models or theories.

Concept Development: 

zCore implements a set of activities during concept development early in the systems engineering life cycle to collect and prioritize operational needs and challenges, develop alternative concepts to meet the needs, and select a preferred one as the basis for subsequent system or capability development, and implementation.

Business Process Automation: 

For customers requiring cost reduction measures, zCore recommends the implementation of business process automation. This strategy is used to automate processes in order to contain costs. It consists of integrating applications, restructuring labor resources and using software applications throughout the organization thus reducing resource cost.


Every business, in time, comes to the decision point that change is necessary to succeed. zCore re-engineering implements processes to examine and redesign business processes and workflows. Re-engineering provides our customer with improved flexibility, responsiveness, efficiencies, and effectiveness for all stakeholders, including their customers and employees.

Technology Training: 

Technology training plays an important part in today’s business environment. zCore provides custom systems training to end users on new and updated applications.